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Carl and Ellie´s life; Russell

Carl´s and Ellie´s life as a couple

Arbeitsblatt 1


Arbeitsblatt 2


Carl was listening, while Ellie was speaking to him.

Textfeld: screenshot: Carl und Ellie als Kinder (mit Fliegerbrillen)) [0:04:05]

When Carl came in, Ellie was dreaming of South America.

Textfeld: screenshot: Carl betritt das Haus, Ellie steuert ein imaginäres Luftschiff) [0:03:45]

Carl was reading, when the balloon came through the window.

Textfeld: screenshot: Carl im Krankenhaus, ein blauer Ballon fliegt herein [0:05:06]

And this is how he reacted:

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Carl´s and Ellie´s life as a couple: past progressive – Einführung (Folie 1): Herunterladen [doc][19 KB]

Carl´s and Ellie´s life as a couple: past progressive – Einführung (Folie 2): Herunterladen [doc][19 KB]

Carl´s and Ellie´s life as a couple: past progressive – Einführung (Folie 3): Herunterladen [doc][20 KB]


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