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Multikulturelle Gesellschaften

Multicultural societies

What is a "multicultural society"?

⇒  society in which people live together who have:

  • different ethnic origins
  • different religions
  • different cultural standards
  • different languages             ⇒ most societies are multicultural

important political challenge nowadays:
establishing and maintaining mutual respect/acceptance
between different cultures

preconditions for success:

personal level

  • tolerance
  • respect for others
  • no fear of loss of identity

state level

  • equal rights
  • equal opportunities






Descriptions/ideas of the US multicultural society:

melting-pot idea (Synthesemodell): important elements of several cultures melt into one new culture

salad bowl : : multicultural society in which the different cultures remain distinct from each other

pizza society :components (cultures) remain distinct but together give the whole pizza (society) a special flavour. All components are based on one common pizza dough (common ground/shared values).

Integration policies/strategies:

Integration policies

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