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Lesson four: working with points of information

Fresh information:

4.1. Students must learn to have the presence of mind to refuse a POI, even to their peer group!

Should the speaker accept or decline ? It shows confidence to accept two to three during

the speech. It makes sense (again showing strength) not to accept any more than two to three !

4.2. Even when accepting a POI, the speaker decides when to let the questioner speak. He/she should  say, "Just a moment" and go on to finish his/her sentence or paragraph or train of thought, before saying "Yes please?" ( That's fun !)

It's especially weak to accept a POI in the middle of your own sentence!

4.3. Even when accepting the POI, the speaker can decide how long the point can go on for. He/she can interrupt the POI at any time , saying something like,"Yes, I got that" or "Yes, I understand" or "Please sit down!" and then go on with his/her speech. This needs practice but it's another sign of confidence ( and it's fun, too!).

4.4. The worm turns : To be exceptionally effective, the speaker can accept a POI by finishing some train of thought and go on to ask the questioner: "Don't you think so?" That may knock the questioner himself off his feet, as the onus is now on him/her to fit in his/her POI!

4.5. In their reply to a POI, speakers can say something like, " Our next speaker will deal with that question " - but this is dangerous. What if the next speaker doesn't or can't deal with it? That'll mean a score for the other side!

4.6. In their reply to a POI, speakers will address the chair (" Madam Chair "), & look at the audience or the judges, NOT at the questioner or his team. They're not starting a dialogue, but continuing their speech.

4.7. Same procedure as last time, using POIs more sparingly .


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