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Large scale projects
Einführungsstunde, Methode: Metaplantechnik
Die Wasserpolitik der Weltbank unter der Lupe
Zwischen Partizipation und Privatisierung: Das Beispiel Indien offenbart die Schwächen der Wasserpolitik der Weltbank
Newly industrialized countries
Human Development Index
Definition - Methodology - 2006 report - Top thirty countries - Top/bottom three countries by region
Human Development Report
The state of human development - Inequality and human development - Aid for the 21st century - International trade-unlocking the potential for human development - Violent conflict-bringing the real threat into focus
How globalization can work
The discontents of globalization
- Pressing issues
- Underlying general concerns
- Conditionality
- Global governance
Problems and examples
A vision of development:
- Free trade
- Resources
- Sustainability: Saving the planet
- The role of multinationational corporations
- The burden of debt
What is development? - Classifications - Measuring development - Characteristics of ELDCs - Development strategies - Why do certain regions prosper? - Characteristics of NICs - India: an NIC or still an ELDC?
Non-government organisations - advantages of NGOs - Short-term aid - Long-term aid - Project aid - Programme aid - Inappropriate aid