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Anlage 3: Filmanalyse

Ideen/Methoden zum Umgang mit Filmen im Englischunterricht:

Pre-viewing activities:

  • Vorentlastung des Themas durch Infos zu „stolen generations“ (evtl. im Schulbuch zu finden) und zum „rabbit-proof fence“ evtl. als Referat
  • durch eine Australienkarte, Zitate zum Film, Filmposter, o. ä. über den Inhalt spekulieren lassen
  • Empathieförderung („Imagine you were kidnapped/taken away from your family – how would you feel? What would you do?“)

While-viewing activities:

  • Personen charakterisieren; Fragen zu Personen beantworten
  • Watch a sequence without sound and write a dialogue.
  • Character study: show beginning and end – in how far did the protagonist change?
  • Look closely at colours/music/landscape/persons – which atmosphere is created and how?
  • guessing the end/the next scene (what will happen next?)
  • summary (especially after an interruption of a day or two): what happened so far?
  • Zu einem Standbild werden innere Monologe erstellt (What does Molly think/feel in this situation?).
  • true/false statements
  • ask questions
  • Lückentext
  • Dialog in indirekte Rede umwandeln lassen
  • Nach einer Szene diese wiederholen und Dialog von Schülerinnen und Schülern sprechen lassen
  • Szene nachspielen lassen
  • If you could also smell and feel this scene – what would you smell/feel? (hot air, hunger,...)

Post-viewing activities:

  • summary of the plot
  • Mediation: Tell your parents what the film is about.
  • Re-write a scene: What would have happened if... (maybe even act out the new scene)?
  • „Blow-up“ small scenes (e. g. what did Molly tell her mom after her return? Write a dialogue.)
  • write a film review (gute Beispiele evtl. veröffentlichen)
  • watch extra material on the DVD (research about the author’s organization “survival international“ maybe even support this organization)
  • presentations about book author/director/true story/actors
  • watch the official apology speech of Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2008 – bspw. auf www.youtube.com
  • Film in Comicform zeichnen lassen/Bildergeschichte/story board
  • hot chair (director)


Materialien zur Filmanalyse finden Sie unter:

(Unterrichtsmaterialien der Landesakademie)

(Unterrichtsmaterialien der Deutschen Filmakademie)

weiter: Anlage 4: life at moore river

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