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Statistik bilingual


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

I     Describing:

  • title
  • source of information
  • elements of the presentation , i.e. table, line graph, bar graph, pie graph, columns, segments
  • variables , i.e. period, countries, goods, election results, groups of people…
  • units , i.e. absolute numbers, relative numbers (per cent, index, reference figures ( Bezugszahlen ))…
  • content/ important statements , i.e. distance, increase/decrease of values, peaks and lows ( Hoch- und Tiefpunkte )…
  • relations , i.e. comparison of particular figures, columns,
    lines, indices …

II    Explaining with reference to the historical context:

  • referring to the historical context , i.e. industrialisation, take-off, high industrialisation, first elections of the Weimar Republic, economic development in the 1950s, the Cold War
  • explaining the statements with reference to the historical context
    • relate ( zuordnen ) significant changes to the historical context
    • account for ( begründen ) significant changes using the historical context
    • correlate ( in Beziehung setzen ) different information

III   Assessing the evidence ( Aussagewert überprüfen ):

  • assessing the significance of the evidence (Aussagewert des Datenmaterials prüfen) , i.e.
    • source of data :  is there evidence of manipulation (i.e. GDR ( DDR )-data), could the data have been compiled for propaganda??
    • calculation of the data: i.e. is the data pool sufficient in order to make a representative statement? Is the amount of data useful or are there only averages to cover a certain period of time? Calculations ( Berechnung ) or rounded figures, estimations, projections ( Hochrechnung )?
  • assessing the variable (Variable prüfen) , i.e.
    • locations: i.e. “Germany” - which area and when? Does the area of reference change during the given period of time?
    • definitions : i.e. does the definition of “private household” (4 people with an average income) match?
  • assessing the selection and combination of variables , i.e.:
    • problem of isolated statements: i.e. The length of railway kilometres cannot be used to explain the density ( Dichte ) of the network. The number of people doesn’t refer to the density of people, the decrease of employees in per cent in a sector needn’t refer to the absolute decrease if the economy grows and the number of people increases.
  • assessing the comparability (Vergleichbarkeit prüfen) , i.e.
    • assessing the selection and combination of variables (see above)
    • date/ unit: Do periods of time and intervals match? Are comparisons possible if the units are different?
    • relative numbers: production numbers in per cent can be used to compare growth in different countries, but do not allow conclusions  about the absolute volume of production, i.e. FDR ( BRD )/ GDR.
  • assessing and summarizing the significance and informative value
    • assessing the data pool
    • assessing the statements

Method: Analysing statistics: Herunterladen [doc] [32 KB]