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Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

Sprechen und Vokabelwiederholung

Das Einüben und die Wiederholung lexikalischer Phänomene gehört zu den Kerngeschäften des Englischunterrichts in den Klassen 9 und 10. Neben schriftlichen Aufgaben sollte man gezielt mündliche (Wiederholungs-)Übungen einsetzen. So wird nicht nur Lexik, sondern auch das Sprechen in realitätsnahen Situationen geübt. Folgende Tabelle enthält schnell einsetzbare exemplarische Situationsvorschläge zum kommunikationsorientierten Wiederholen von Vokabeln in den Klassen 9 und 10.

Describing people
(appearance & character)

During your summer holidays in England, you’ve met the boy/girl of your dreams. Since your best friend wants to know everything about him/her, you decribe the boy’s/girl’s looks and character.

Stating your opinion

Get together in groups of three. Two of you discuss whether sitting in front of the computer during the whole weekend is a good idea or not. After the two of you have given their opinion, the third pupil reports what has been said and states her own opinion.

Reporting a sequence of events

You have witnessed an accident: A cyclist didn’t stop at a red light and was hit first by a motorbike from the left and a then a lorry from the right. The police asks you to give an exact account of what you saw in the right order.

Talking about (youth) culture

Get together in groups of five. You are preparing an exchange with a school in Canada. Your teacher wants you to shoot a little film for  the Canadian pupils where you present how you and your friends live. Each of you should talk 1-2 minutes about one of the following subjects: your family, your school, your hobbies, what is important for you, what your plans for the future are .

Defending your position
(pros & cons of new media)

Get together in groups of two or four (one against one or two against two). Your local council has decided to cut the money for your school, so it won’t be able to buy any new media for the next five years. You try to convince a member of the council of the importance of modern media for your school; the council member defends his position.  

Planning a multicultural event

Get together in groups of three. Your town has been chosen to host a festival celebrating cultural diversity in your region. Your school wants to contribute to the event and has chosen you and your two classmates to come up with some ideas. Work out a few activities that will help make the festival a success.

Lexik - Sprechen und Vokabelwiederholung: Herunterladen [doc] [41 KB]

Lexik - Sprechen und Vokabelwiederholung: Herunterladen [pdf] [42 KB]