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Kommunikationsaufgabe 6


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

Folgende Kommunikationsaufgabe ist für Übungeszwecke nach einer Lektüre der Kurzgeschichte „Lamb to the Slaughter“ von Roald Dahl in der 10. Klasse konzipiert. Bei Task 1 wird das dialogische Sprechen , bei Task 2 (unter anderem) das monologische Sprechen geübt. Es wird empfohlen, eine Vorbereitungszeit von ca. 3 Minuten einzuräumen. Anschließend dauert der Dialog der SuS A und B ca. 4 Minuten , der Bericht von S C ca. 3 Minuten .


Student A

Read the following task. You have 3 minutes preparation time, after which you should begin your discussion with your partner. Your discussion should last about 4 minutes.

You believe that Mary Maloney – in spite of the fact that she has murdered her husband – is a character for whom we should have understanding and even sympathy. Using information from the story, try to convince your partner of the rightness of your position.

Student B

Read the following task. You have 3 minutes preparation time, after which you should begin your discussion with your partner. Your discussion should last about 4 minutes.

You believe that Mary Maloney –who has murdered her husband – is a character for whom we should have no understanding or sympathy. On the contrary, she should be strongly condemned. Using information from the story, try to convince your partner of the rightness of your decision.

Monolog (Bericht):
Student C

Listen carefully to your partners’ discussion about Mary Maloney, taking notes if you want to do so. When they have finished, talk to the class about the following tasks. You should talk for about 3 minutes:

  • Briefly summarize the arguments made on both sides.
  • Say which arguments convinced you the most and why.
  • Where, in your opinion, does the truth lie? Should we sympathise with Mary Maloney or not?

Kommunikationsaufgabe 6: Herunterladen [doc] [36 KB]

Kommunikationsaufgabe 6: Herunterladen [pdf] [50 KB]