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Kommunikationsaufgabe 4

Folgende Kommunikationsaufgabe ist für Übungszwecke nach einer Einheit zum Thama teenage life in der 9. Klasse konzipiert. Sie übt das dialogische Sprechen . Es wird empfohlen, den SuS eine Vorbereitungszeit von ca. 3 Minuten zu gewähren. Anschließend sollten die SuS ca. 4 Minuten sprechen.


Student A

Read the following tasks. You have 3 minutes preparation time, after which you should begin your discussion with your partner. Your discussion should last about 4 minutes.

You believe that Facebook has a bad influence on the lives of teenagers. Try to convince your partner of the the rightness of your position. Here are some arguments you can use: 1
            -People don’t have real life relationships anymore.
            -It’s too easy to check up on people’s lives

Before the end of the discussion, try to reach an agreement with your partner: Is Facebook a good or a bad thing?

Student B

Read the following tasks. You have 3 minutes preparation time, after which you should begin your discussion with your partner. Your discussion should last about 4 minutes.

You believe that Facebook has a positive influence on the lives of teenagers. Try to convince your partner of the rightness of your position. Here are some arguments you can use:
            -Facebook is great to keep in touch with friends
            -Facebook gives you a place where you can be yourself and express your feelings

Before the end of the discussion, try to reach an agreement with your partner: Is Facebook a good or a bad thing?

1   Diese Argumente können fakultativ im Sinne einer Binnendifferenzierung für schwächere SuS eingesetzt werden.

Kommunikationsaufgabe 4: Herunterladen [doc] [33 KB]

Kommunikationsaufgabe 4: Herunterladen [pdf] [62 KB]