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Kommunikationsaufgabe 7


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

Folgende Kommunikationsaufgabe ist für Übungszwecke während jeder Einheit in der 10. Klasse, in der sich SuS mit ethischen Grundfragen auseinandersetzen, konzipiert. Die vier Teilnehmer erhalten je ca. 15 Minuten Vorbereitungszeit, die darauffolgende Diskussion dauert ca. 10 bis 15 Minuten . Da die Thematik komplex ist, ist eine gründliche Vorbesprechung im Unterricht zu empfehlen. Rolle A ist für einen leistungsstarken S vorgesehen. Wenn kein entsprechender S verfügbar ist, kann Rolle A auch vom Lehrer übernommen werden. Sowohl das monologische als auch das dialogische Sprechen werden geübt.


Student A

You have 15 minutes to prepare yourself for the following role in a discussion. Any notes you take should be brief.

You are the host of a chat show on the topic of the testing of cosmetics and medical products on animals. There are three guests on your show: one believes all animal testing to be wrong; another believes testing for medical products (but not cosmetics) to be acceptable; a third sees no problem in any animal testing.

Your task is:

  • to introduce the topic of the discussion
  • to ask questions (e.g. ask what the guests’ positions are and why they hold them)
  • to moderate the discussion (e.g. ask follow-up questions, get the guests to react to each other, prevent conflicts...)
  • to round off the discussion with a summary

Student B

You have 15 minutes to prepare yourself for the following role in a discussion. Any notes you take should be brief.

You are a guest on a chat show on the topic of the testing of cosmetics and medical products on animals. There are three guests on the show: besides yourself, there is a guest who believes testing for medical products (but not cosmetics) to be acceptable; a third sees no problem in any animal testing.

Your position is the following:

  • all animal tesing is wrong in any circumstances
  • we have no right to make animals suffer
  • animals have rights too

Your task is:

  • to present and defend your position and give reasons for it
  • to answer any questions asked by the host or by other guests
  • to agree or disagree with what the other guests say

Student C

You have 15 minutes to prepare yourself for the following role in a discussion. Any notes you take should be brief.

You are a guest on a chat show on the topic of the testing of cosmetics and medical products on animals. There are three guests on the show: besides yourself, there is a guest who believes testing for medical products (but not cosmetics) to be acceptable; a third believes all animal testing to be absolutely wrong.

Your position is the following:

  • there is no problem with animal testing for whatever reason
  • human beings are more important than animals
  • if it is acceptable to eat animals why not use them for testing?

Your task is:

  • to present and defend your position and give reasons for it
  • to answer any questions asked by the host or by other guests
  • to agree or disagree with what the other guests say

Student D

You have 15 minutes to prepare yourself for the following role in a discussion. Any notes you take should be brief.

You are a guest on a chat show on the topic of the testing of cosmetics and medical products on animals. There are three guests on the show: besides yourself, there is a guest who believes testing for whatever reason to be acceptable; a third believes all animal testing to be absolutely wrong.

Your position is the following:

  • animal testing for cosmetics is wrong
  • animal testing for medical reasons is acceptable
  • animals have some rights, but the value of a human life is greater than those rights

Your task is:

  • to present and defend your position and give reasons for it
  • to answer any questions asked by the host or by other guests
  • to agree or disagree with what the other guests say

Kommunikationsaufgabe 7: Herunterladen [doc] [44 KB]

Kommunikationsaufgabe 7: Herunterladen [pdf] [64 KB]