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Kommunikationsaufgabe 2


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

Folgende Kommunikationsprüfung ist für Übungszwecke nach einer Unterrichtseinheit zum Thema school shootings/violence at school in der 10. Klasse konzipiert. Es wird empfohlen, den SuS eine ca. 10-minütige Vorbereitungsphase einzuräumen. Für die monologische Phase sind pro Prüfling ca. 3 Minuten einzuplanen, für die dialogische Phase 6 Minuten .


Student A

You have 10 minutes preparation time during which you may take notes. Read the quotation and be prepared to talk for 3 minutes about the following tasks:

An American high-school student says: „In our school we have CCTV cameras in the classrooms and hallways and security guards walking around everywhere. I suppose I can see why they’re there, but honestly it scares me sometimes.“

  • Why do you think some schools in America have CCTV and security guards?
  • Talk about how you would feel if you went to a school with CCTV and/or security guards.

Student B

You have 10 minutes preparation time during which you may take notes. Read the statistics and be prepared to talk for 3 minutes about the following tasks:

Results of a 2007 survey in American schools:

  • 5.9% of students carried a weapon (e.g. a gun, knife or club) on school property during the 30 days before the survey.
  • 7.8% of students were threatened with a weapon on school property in the 12 months before the survey.
  • 22.3% of students were offered, sold, or given an illegal drug by someone on school property during the 12 months before the survey.

Source : extern http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/SchoolViolence_FactSheet-a.pdf (Oct. 2012)

  • What do the statistics tell us about the situation in schools in the USA?
  • How do you think the situation described in the statistics compares to schools in Germany?
Student A

Read the following tasks and begin discussing them when you are ready. Your discussion should last about 6 minutes.

You believe that the use of CCTV and security guards in schools is a bad idea. Try to convince your partner of the rightness of your position. Here are some arguments you can use: 1

  • Cameras and guards create a threatening atmosphere in school
  • Everyone has the right not to be treated like a criminal
  • In America there have been cases of guards abusing their powers and harming students

Before the end of your discussion, try to reach an agreement with your partner as to whether CCTV/security guards in schools are a good idea or not.

Student B

Read the following tasks and begin discussing them when you are ready. Your discussion should last about 6 minutes.

You believe that the use of CCTV and security guards in schools can be a good idea. Try to convince your partner of the rightness of your position. Here are some arguments you can use:

  • In some schools the behaviour is so bad that it makes guards/CCTV necessary
  • What’s the problem with guards/CCTV if you have nothing to hide?
  • CCTV/guards protect pupils from violence/drugs

Before the end of your discussion, try to reach an agreement with your partner as to whether CCTV/security guards in schools are a good idea or not.


1   Diese Argumente können fakultativ im Sinne einer Binnendifferenzierung für schwächere SuS eingesetzt werden.

Kommunikationsaufgabe 2: Herunterladen [doc] [37 KB]

Kommunikationsaufgabe 2: Herunterladen [pdf] [69 KB]