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Filmanalyse handlungsorientiert


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

A         Arbeitsschritte
1. Schritt pre-viewing A

Arbeitsteiliges Analysieren eines „frame“ in Gruppenarbeit, Präsentieren der Ergebnisse

  • ”What does this illustration tell you about this character, e.g. his or her age, job and status?

Analyse von Einzelbildern, Spekulationen über Figuren

  • “Briefly describe in writing what you see, e.g. this character’s face and body language.”
2. Schritt pre-viewing B
  • Fill in the gaps and put together a storyline that fits the frames below. – Present and compare your results.”

Figuren beschreiben, filmische Mittel nennen, Hypothesen über die „storyline“ und den weiteren Verlauf bilden

3. Schritt post-viewing
  • Answer a reporter about the story from your character’s point of view. – Use the frames to show him or her that your story is true.

Den tatsächlichen Verlauf auf die Einzelbilder in ihrem Zusammenhang beziehen.

B          Arbeitsanweisungen

These frames are from the opening of the film.
The opening sets the scene . It tells the viewer about the place and the time of the action. This is called the setting . Look closely and work out what you learn about place and time.
The viewers also learn about the characters [‘---], their relationships and perhaps conflicts [‘--] between them.
Looking at these stills here, you can work out who these characters may be and what the conflict may be about.

Task 1 (before viewing the clip)
  • Work on your own. – Imagine being [one of the characters]. Look at the frames one by one.
    Try and “remember” what happened where, when, how and why.
    Moreover, remember what you felt yourself and what [and some other character] did when […].
  • Get together in pairs . – Tell the story to each other as you see it. Agree on a storyline that fits the frames best.
Task 2 (after viewing the clip)
  • Option 1
    Stay with your partner
    . – Take on roles now. One of you is a “reporter” [working for a radio station] who wants you to tell your story. Talk the story over together in questions and answers. – Use the frames to show him or her that your story is true.
    Option 2
    Work on your own again now . – Now use the frames and in writing tell the story in the past tense from your [character’s] point of view .

Filmanalyse handlungsorientiert: Herunterladen [docx] [21 KB]