How to make an explainity clip on a phone or a tablet
- topic
- attention catcher (quote, cartoon, embedded clip…)
- examples and facts
- relevant information (reduce amount of information)
- keywords (text only if it is a quote):. you don´t want the audience to read but you want them to listen to you background that suits the topic
- conclusion
- sources + date of access
Designing an explainity video:
- the effect explainity videos want to achieve is a simple, retro look
- explain the topic using only two hands that move around snippets
- use visual elements (cutouts of text, photos, statistics, cartoons)
- use symbols (e.g. speech bubble, arrow to show a consequence)
- use the tools that the program provides (pencil effect etc.)
- make a storyboard (use the page: “How to make a storyboard”)
Go to the following two links and add notes to the “how to … page”:
Globalization easily explained (explainity® explainer video) accessed 30.04.2017 18.55
Explain Everything tutorial: Create your first videocast (i-pad) accessed 30.04.2017 18.27
Explain Everything for Chrome OS/Android: Create your first videocast accessed 30.04.2017 18.28
Explain Everything for Windows: What is Explain Everything accessed 30.04.2017 18.54 30.04.2017 18.42
How to make an explainity clip on a phone or a tablet: Herunterladen [doc][29 KB]
How to make an explainity clip on a phone or a tablet: Herunterladen [pdf][297 KB]
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