Basis- & Leistungsfach
symbols and leitmotifs1
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In the given screenshot, one can see… in the background/foreground/… on the left/right/at the top/bottom… |
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The most prominent object in this screenshot is… (gun) |
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The … can be interpreted as a symbol on two different levels: On the one hand, it …; on the other hand, … |
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Moreover, it is no coincidence that there is also… (American flag) |
5 |
The… is symbolic of… This becomes evident due to the fact that… |
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Finally, the attentive viewer can spot a … (Gran Torino) |
7 |
As for this third symbol, it seems to symbolize… |
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All in all, it become obvious that all the symbols can be interpreted on two levels: On a personal level, … Moreover, they… |
1 Die abstrakteren gesellschaftlich-historischen Bezüge sind nur auf dem erweiterten Anforderungsniveau Teil des Erwartungshorizonts.
Analysing symbols: Herunterladen [docx][62 KB]
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