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How far would you go for love?

Answer spontaneously without thinking about it too long!

  1. Read through the following things people might do for somebody they truly love. Imagine your boyfriend/girlfriend asked you to do the things in the list below. Give each of them a number from 1 to 10.

    • 1: I would definitely do this.

    • 10: I would never do this, even if this means losing the person I truly love.

  2. Compare your findings in groups of three and explain your choices.

  3. Report to the class: where did your group agree more or less? Where did opinions differ a lot?

changing your eating habits


losing weight


ending the friendship with a friend that your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t like


changing the way you dress


doing plastic surgery


quitting biting fingernails


changing your haircut


giving up on a hobby that you really like to do


moving to another country


doing something you are actually afraid of (e. g. bungee jumping)


being nice to his/her parents although they clearly show they dislike you


changing a habit that your boyfriend/girlfriend thinks is annoying (e.g. talking too loudly, always making a mess, never being on time…)


spending a lot of time with his/her friends although you don’t like them



Questionnaire: Herunterladen [docx][17 KB]

Questionnaire: Herunterladen [pdf][596 KB]


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