Analysing cinematic device
Read the model text. Pay special attention to the highlighted phrases.
The given screenshot focuses on Walt’s face in a close-up shot. However, one cannot see Walt’s face directly: the reverse-angle shot presents his mirror image. The close-up shot makes the viewer identify with Walt, confronting him or her directly with Walt’s emotional state. Not only is he in physical pain, but the fact that his Hmong neighbours are so kind to him also seems to distress him, making him feel closer to them than to his own family. The reverse-angle shot makes us adopt Walt’s perspective, which enables the viewer not only to get a glimpse of Walt’s emotional state, but also to observe how Walt sees his emotional state reflected in his own face.
Look again at what you have learned about eachof the screenshots below (“understanding sequence III”). Using that information and the highlighted phrases, analyse the three screenshots below.
Look at the model text and highlight phrases or sentence parts that you can use in any other analysis, too.
The given screenshot focuses on Walt’s face in a close-up shot. However, one cannot see Walt’s face directly: the reverse-angle shot presents his mirror image. The close-up shot makes the viewer identify with Walt, confronting him or her directly with Walt’s emotional state. Not only is he in physical pain, but the fact that his Hmong neighbours are so kind to him also seems to distress him, making him feel closer to them than to his own family. The reverse-angle shot makes us adopt Walt’s perspective, which enables the viewer not only to get a glimpse of Walt’s emotional state, but also to observe how Walt sees his emotional state reflected in his own face.
Using your highlighted phrases, analyse the three screenshots below.
Analysing cinematic device: Herunterladen [docx][77 KB]
Analysing cinematic device: Herunterladen [pdf][101 KB]
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