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Analysing symbols



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Basis- & Leistungsfach


Symbols and leitmotifs1

Szene aus Gran Torino mit Zeitstempel


1) Draw a circle around all the objects or people that have a symbolic meaning for Walt (= stand for a more general quality or situation/visible sign of something invisible). Complete the table:

object, person

symbolic meaning












1 Screenshot-Auswahl, Definitionen und Erwartungshorizont vgl.: Schwerpunktthemenkommission der Re-gierungspräsidien Baden-Württemberg: The Ambiguity of Belonging. Gran Torino, S. 62, 66.


2) Now analyse the symbolic meanings of the objects with regard to Walt. Write a text. The phrases below can help you.

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The phrases below are useful for analysing symbols. Highlight in three different

  1. phrases you can use in the introduction/conclusion
  2. phrases you can use to introduce the different objects/people
  3. phrases you can use to interpret the symbolic meaning of the different objects and people

Number the phrases in a logical order – this helps you structure your text!


Finally, the attentive viewer can spot a …


The … can be interpreted as a symbol of…


In the given screenshot, one can see… in the background/foreground/… on the left/right/at the top/bottom…


The… is symbolic of… This become evident due to the fact that…


The most prominent object in this screenshot is…


All in all, it becomes obvious that all the symbols have in common that…


Moreover, it is no coincidence that there is also…


As for this third symbol, it seems to symbolize…


Analysing symbols: Herunterladen [docx][62 KB]


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