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IKK in Camden Town 2


Bestandsaufnahme mit Möglichkeiten zur Erweiterung und Vertiefung (add-on)
(Tk = Teilkompetenz)

Unit Thema Wissen / Erkennen
Reflektieren / Bewerten
Handeln / Gestalten
Erweiterung – Vertiefung
Wel- come back to Camden Town Begrüßen und Kennen- lernen, einander vorstellen
    S. 4/5. Imagine you visit Camden Town. Read p.4/5. With whom would you stay? He/she takes you to school for one day and you meet his / her friends. Write / act out the dialogue.
1 After the holidays (B-plan: Einkaufen, Schule, Regionen)
  S.11/15 Giving feedback - Don’t forget to say sth positive first (höflich ablehnen)
S.18 Mark phrases you can only use with friends but not with teachers.
S.19 C9 (siehe S. 18)
S. 16 Find phrases which help you to say sorry (Tk3 sich entschuldigen)
2 Let’s get the party started (B-plan: Feste)
S.30 Think of 3 special days you celebrate in your family or with your friends.
p.45 Mediation: You spend Bonfire Night in England … and your younger … asks what it means.
S. 35 Polite way of writing an email (nicht im B-plan für 5/6, erst in 7/8) S. 47 Imagine Danny writes a thank-you note to Chloe and his friends. (Tk3 sich bedanken)
3 London (B-plan: eine Stadt)
S. 57 Write an English guidebook of your home town / area. S.59 Words: suggesting, agreeing, disagreeing

S. 53 Wiederholung / Vertiefung: vorschlagen, zustimmen oder höflich ablehnen (Tk 3) für B10; siehe auch „Zustimmen und höflich ablehnen“ Beispiel 5 in den Begleit- unterlagen

S. 55 Imagine Rob and Caroline get disconnected. Rob then talks to somebody on the street and asks for directions. (Tk3 begrüßen, sich entschuldigen, bitten, bedanken)

4 School life (B-plan: Schule)
S.68 Make a list of events and activities at your school. Then compare them to the ones at Camden School of Girls S. 71 Write a dialogue between Emma, Gillian, Caroline and Ms Walsh. The girls try to persuade Ms Walsh about the v. vampire play. In the end she says yes (begrüßen, Formen der Anrede, zustimmen und ablehnen, Formen der Anrede, bedanken, verab- schieden)

S. 70 Find more phrases for agreeing and disagreeing in the text.

S. 74 Imagine Ms Walsh talks to all three girls individually after the audi-tion. What does she say and how is she polite?

S. 85 Imagine Oscar’s dad finds out and Oscar has to apologize. Write / act out the dialogue.
(Tk3 sich entschuldigen)

5 Going green (B-Plan:)
S.87 Would you like to have a Green Week at your school or go to the Mill?   Am Ende der Unit: Lernaufgabe
(siehe Begleit- unterlagen)
6 Fun and games (Sport - B-plan: Hobbies)
    S. 109 Ways of saying sorry. Choose one incident and write / act out a dialogue in which one apologizes to the other. (begrüßen, vorstellen, sich entschudigen, bedanken)


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