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Beispiel 4 (Klasse 5): Höflich ablehnen


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Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz:
(3) einfache kulturspezifische Verhaltensweisen (zum Beispiel Restaurantbesuch) beachten und erlernte Redemittel anwenden um elementare Höflichkeitskonventionen einzuhalten (begrüßen, sich und andere vorstellen, Formen der Anrede, verabschieden, bitten, bedanken, zustimmen und ablehnen , sich entschuldigen)


Textbeispiel: Green Line 1, Unit 3, Station 2, S. 55: “She gets on my nerves”


1) What is Dave’s problem with Aunt Frances? Tick (√) the correct answer:

..... She is boring. ..... She always talks, she never stops.
..... She always wants to play computer games with Dave. ..... She thinks Dave is still a baby.
..... She always comes into Dave’s room. ..... She does not respect Dave.


2) What can Dave do or say?

a. Write down two possibilities. (Stärkere Schüler)


b. Here are some ways in which Dave can react to Aunt Frances. Which ones are very direct (D) and which ones are less direct (LD)? Tick (√) the way(s) that you think is (are) good and polite. (Schwächere Schüler)

….. He can leave the room and not talk to Aunt Frances.
….. He can say to her: I‘m very busy and must do my homework. Would you please excuse me?
….. He can say to her: Stop talking, you get on my nerves.
..… He can say to her: My granny is much nicer than you are. Why are you not like my granny?
..… He can say to her: This is my room – leave now!
..… He can say to her: Would you please give me time to myself? I still need to do some work.
….. He can say to her: Leave me alone, please.

3) An der Tafel werden die Vorschläge gesammelt und entsprechend der Direktheit auf einem Strahl geordnet.

4) What would YOU say to Aunt Frances? Write the dialogue and make sure you are polite to her.

Aunt Frances: „A Saturday morning with my favourite boy – how nice!“
Dave: …

5) Listen to ”A nice surprise for Dave“ (p. 55, 10)


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