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Beispiel 1 (Klasse 5):
Begrüßen, sich und andere vorstellen

Textbeispiel: Green Line 1, Pick-up A, S. 8-11

Anbindung an die Bildungsstandards:

Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz:
(3) einfache kulturspezifische Verhaltensweisen (zum Beispiel Restaurantbesuch) beachten und erlernte Redemittel anwenden um elementare Höflichkeitskonventionen einzuhalten ( begrüßen , sich und andere vorstellen , Formen der Anrede, verabschieden, bitten, bedanken, zustimmen und ablehnen, sich entschuldigen)

Funktionale kommunikative Kompetenz: dialogisches Sprechen
(1) in Standardsituationen Gespräche beginnen, fortführen und beenden (z.B.  Kennenlerngespräche , Verkaufsgespräche)

Ziel: Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen, dass man sich in angelsächsischen Ländern gleich selbst und unaufgefordert
namentlich vorstellt; die Redewendung “what is your name?” ist deshalb strenggenommen überflüssig; eine dritte
Person wird sofort namentlich vorgestellt. Der beiden im folgenden genannten Texte illustrieren dies.


1) Students listen to the Pick-up A: name the characters, where?

2) Read Pick-up A.
Who gives his/her name? Pia, Luke, Dave
Who does not give his/her name? Sherlock (because he is a dog) and Olivia (because Luke knows Olivia and Pia so he introduces them)

3) Two students meet and they play question – answer pingpong

4) Then a third student joins and is introduced

Weitere Idee für den Unterricht:

Anknüpfung an andere Lehrwerke bzw. Erweiterung und Vertiefung in Klasse 6:

  • Camden Town 1, Welcome to Camden Town, S. 10
  • English G Access 1, Unit 1, Part A, S. 20-21.
  • siehe Lehrwerkssynopsen, letzte Spalte

Fortführung in Klassen 7/8:

Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz:
(3) einfache kulturspezifische Verhaltensweisen (zum Beispiel Umgang mit Einladungen, E-Mail-Konventionen) und Gesprächskonventionen beachten ( Gespräch beginnen, fortführen und beenden, zustimmen, ablehnen, nachfragen, Interesse bekunden )

Funktionale kommunikative Kompetenz: dialogisches Sprechen
(1) Gespräche und informelle Diskussionen beginnen, fortführen und beenden (fragen und
nachfragen, ablehnen, zustimmen, Interesse bekunden, bekräftigen, anknüpfen , kommentieren )

  • Beispiel: English G 21 A3, Introduction (S. 7-11):

Photo story:

Imagine you are lucky and go to the festival as well. Which of the teenagers would you like to meet and keep
in touch with and why?

Imagine you meet this teenager. What would you first say? Look at the story for ideas: What do they say and
talk about when they first meet? How do they keep the conversation going?

Task: Imagine you are at the festival as well. Choose one of the characters that you would like to meet. Write
a dialogue in which you first meet.


Anne: Hi, do you like music?
Latisha: Yes, I do. What about you?
Anne: Oh, I like music very mouch. Why are you here?
Latisha: I am playing the steel drum and I want to play here at the festival. And why are you here?
Anne: Ear.. why???... I was interested what music for youth is, and……
Latisha: By the way, my name is Latisha, what about you?
Anne: My name is Anne, I’m from Germany. Where are you from?
Latisha: I’m from Manchester. And my hobby is playing the steel drum. What about you?
Anne: My hobby is playing football and the piano.
Latisha: Oh, I have to go now. Sorry, but meet you later.
Anne: Okay. See you later.

Mögliche Erweiterung:

Anne: Hi, do you like music?
Latisha: Yes, I do, I listen to a lot of music. What about you?
Anne: Oh, I like music very much. I listen to music much, too. Why are you here?
Latisha: I am playing the steel drum and I want to play here at the festival . And why are you here?
Anne: Ear.. why???... I was interested what music for youth is. I have heard about the steel drum. This is interesting. Can you play me a tune?
Latisha: Yes. That’s a great idea. By the way, my name is Latisha, what about you?
Anne: My name is Anne, I’m from Germany. I’m here with my parents and I want to visit the festival. Where are you from?
Latisha: I’m from Manchester. And my hobby is playing the steel drum. What about you?
Anne: My hobby is playing football and the piano.
Latisha: Oh, I have to go now. Sorry, but meet you later to play a tune.
Anne: Okay. See you later.

→ AAA-Methode: (ask) answer – add – ask
Ziel: Höflichkeitskonvention i.e. keine Kurzantworten


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