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Differenzierungsangebote - Step C


(Unterstützung durch stärkere Schüler / Skills-Training)


If you don't understand something about the story, then you can:

- (in lessons) ask our "experts": Linda for chapter 1; Lugain for chapters 2 & 3;
Anna for chapter 4. Just write the word or phrase you don’t understand on the blank
posters and they’ll tell you what it means.
- (at home) look up words in an online dictionary (see the help sheet!).


Looking up words with an online dictionary

If you don't know what a word means, you can use an online dictionary to find out. Here are
some websites to help you:



Here's an example of one online dictionary: LEO


Grafik LEO


Now you can look up some difficult words from the Sherlock Holmes story. Write down what they mean in German.

pipe (p. 3) = __________________________________

important (p. 3) = __________________________________

surprised (p. 4) = __________________________________

death (p. 5) = __________________________________

wife (p. 5) = __________________________________

husband (p. 6) = __________________________________

burn (p. 8) = __________________________________

certainly (p. 10) = __________________________________

unbelievable (p. 17) = __________________________________


Now you can look up other words from the story and look them up:

_____________________ =

_____________________ =

_____________________ =

_____________________ =

_____________________ =

_____________________ =

_____________________ =



pipe (p. 3) = die Pfeife
important (p. 3) = wichtig
surprised (p. 4) = überrascht
death (p. 5) = der Tod
wife (p. 5) = die Ehefrau
husband (p. 6) = der Ehemann
burn (p. 8) = brennen
certainly (p. 10) = mit Sicherheit
unbelievable (p. 17) = unglaublich


Weiter zu Tipps zum Aufbau von TMK in Kl. 5/6