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Write a re­view of the film Up, in which you ...

  • ... tell the re­a­der about the plot; (sim­ple pre­sent tense!)
  • ... com­pa­re at least three cha­rac­ters;
  • ... say who is your fa­vou­rite cha­rac­ter and why;
  • ... de­scri­be what you like and what you dis­li­ke about the film (give re­a­sons!).


HW7: Wri­ting a re­view: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc][27 KB]

HW7: Wri­ting a re­view: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc][20 KB]


Wei­ter zu Prä­sen­ta­ti­on