Zur Haupt­na­vi­ga­ti­on sprin­gen [Alt]+[0] Zum Sei­ten­in­halt sprin­gen [Alt]+[1]


Ho­me­work: Find music that is often play­ed at wed­ding ce­re­mo­nies (in­ter­net / ex­perts / ...). Be pre­pa­red to re­co­gni­ze the music when you hear it.

Vo­ca­bu­la­ry: cane; stair­lift / el­der­ly as­sis­tan­ce chair; hea­ring aid; con­struc­tion worker; di­ri­gi­b­le; gang­plank; opening credits; news­re­el; foo­ta­ge.


HW1: music for wed­dings: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc][26 KB]

HW1: music for wed­dings ho­me­work: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc][19 KB]


Wei­ter zu How Carl met Ellie