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Ar­beits­blatt: The past pro­gres­si­ve tense


Film Up


Gram­mar: The p_________ p_________________­ten­se

1. Ex­am­ples: Read the sen­ten­ces:

1)    Ellie was drea­m­ing about South Ame­ri­ca when sud­den­ly Carl came in.

2)    What was Carl doing when the bal­loon came in?

3)    At 9 pm, Ellie was rea­ding her scrap­book.


2. Ana­ly­sis: In each clau­se, cir­cle the sub­ject in blue, the verb in red, the au­xi­l­i­a­ry in oran­ge, and the time phra­se in yel­low.

Name the tense that is used in the main clau­ses and write the name of the tense into the gap in the head­line.


3. Rules:

3.1) How do we form the _____________________________ tense? 

Fill in the gaps and com­ple­te the rule:

s________ + w____ / w________ + ___________ (p_________ p__________)

3.2) When do we use the _____________________________ tense? 

Fill in the gaps and com­ple­te the rule:

We use the p________ p__________ tense to say that so­me­thing (usual­ly an ac­tion) _______________________________________________________________­_­__.

Ger­man: ________________________________________________

Si­gnal words: all si­gnal words for the s_____ p_____ + a point of time in the p______ (often ano­ther verb in the sim­ple past); they are often lin­ked with "while" or "when".

3.3) Con­trast to the sim­ple past tense:



When the bal­loon came in, Carl screa­med.

When the bal­loon came in, Carl was rea­ding a book.





We use the p________ p_____________ tense with verbs for a_________ (to wait, to work, to read ...) but not with verbs for s__________ (to like, to hate, to love, to want, to un­der­stand, to agree, to know, to re­mem­ber).


4. Ex­er­ci­ses:

a) What were young Ellie and the hams­ter doing, when Carl came in? Write sen­ten­ces.

1) Young Ellie – steer the wheel.

2) The hams­ter – watch Ellie.

b) Sim­ple past or past pro­gres­si­ve? Fill in the gaps.

1)     Ellie ______________________ (tidy up) the room when the te­le­pho­ne sud­den­ly _____________ (ring).

2)     Carl ____________ (open) the door while Ellie _______________ (watch) TV.

c) Trans­la­te the sen­ten­ces into Eng­lish:

1) Carl las ge­ra­de die Zei­tung, als Ellie plötz­lich durchs Fens­ter schau­te.

2) Ges­tern um zwei Uhr hörte ich Musik.


5. Ex­plain your an­s­wers to your neigh­bour.



The past pro­gres­si­ve tense (AB für SuS): Her­un­ter­la­den [doc][33 KB]


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