New insights
Carl´s and Russel´s future (1-24)
Talking about personal choices:

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Film Up | date: |
Film Up: Analysing film reviews
Read the following film reviews (on the interent):
- Find a headline for each paragraph.
- Make a list of questions which should be answered in a film review.
Vocabulary: squirrel; collar; screenplay; cave; chase; strings, rhythm, plot, summary
Beispiel einer Filmszene
Film Up: Ellie´s adventure book (1)
Weitere Hinweise zu den einzelnen Filmszenen finden Sie in Ellie´s adventure book. (Bilder sind dort aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht abgebildet.)
Talking about choices: Herunterladen [doc][21 KB]
Analysing film reviews: Herunterladen [doc][30 KB]
Ellie´s adventure book (1-10): Herunterladen [doc][29 KB]
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