Zur Haupt­na­vi­ga­ti­on sprin­gen [Alt]+[0] Zum Sei­ten­in­halt sprin­gen [Alt]+[1]


Tick the right an­s­wers on pp. 49 -53. So­me­ti­mes there is more than one cor­rect.

1. Whose fa­vou­rite ho­li­day is Hal­lo­ween?

✓ Greg’s

❒ Mom’s

❒ Dad’s

2. Who dren­ches teen­agers on Hal­lo­ween?

✓ Greg

❒ Dad

❒ Row­ley

3. Who hasn’t un­ders­tood the con­cept of Hal­lo­ween?

❒ Manny

❒ Mom

✓ Dad

4. What is the Cross­land High School haun­ted house?

❒ a re­stau­rant for stu­dents which ser­ves very crus­ty hot-dogs

✓ a stu­dents’ ghost thea­t­re pro­duc­tion

❒ the buil­ding next to the Cross­land High School where stu­dents on de­tenti­on are ar­rested in

5. What did Row­ley wear for vi­sit­ing the Cross­land High School haun­ted house?

✓ a su­per­man cos­tu­me

❒ re­gu­lar clo­thes

✓ the cos­tu­me he wore last year

6. Why didn’t Row­ley’s out­fit bo­ther Greg much?

❒ He wasn’t going to let Rod­rick ruin the event for him

✓ He wasn’t going to let Row­ley ruin the event for him

❒ He had been loo­king for­ward to this for about three years

7. Greg and Row­ley were re­al­ly sca­red by 

✓ a guy with a chain­saw

✓ a real chain­saw with a rub­ber blade

✓ a guy with a ho­ckey mask in Chain­saw Alley

8. Why was Greg wil­ling to take the em­bar­rass­ment at the end of their haun­ted-house tour? Be­cau­se… he won the first price for wimps

❒ his mo­ther had saved them from the chain­saw guy

✓ it would be the only time he would admit that his Mom had done a

✓ good thing by in­ter­ve­ning. 


So­lu­ti­ons­heet: Her­un­ter­la­den [docx][14 KB]


Wei­ter zu WS 11 – Diary of Wimpy Kid