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Name: ____________________________________________________. EXAM No.:

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (rea­ding com­pre­hen­si­on)

I. De­tai­led in­for­ma­ti­on

Read pages 95 – 106 clo­se­ly. Then tick þ the cor­rect state­ments: 20 CR


Mom came up in Greg’s room with a flyer an­noun­cing rehear­sals for a win­ter play.



Greg had thrown it in the kit­chen bin to hide it from her.



He beg­ged her to let him be part of the mu­si­cal.



Mom made him sign up even though he was af­raid of sin­ging solo in front of the whole school.



Greg told Dad that if he had to start going to play prac­tices it would get into con­flict with his weight-lif­ting sche­du­le.



Dad and Mom argued for a few mi­nu­tes then Dad won the fight.



Greg went to au­di­tion in an ori­gi­nal cos­tu­me of the “Wi­zard of Oz”.



Greg had never seen the movie.



In the sin­ging try­out Greg did his best not to be sin­gled out.



Ha­ving a “lovely so­pra­no” voice is em­bar­ras­sing for Greg.



The main cha­rac­ter of the play is Patty Far­rell. She is play­ed by Do­ro­thy.



Greg wants to play the Witch.



He is told that there are two wit­ches and de­ci­des that he doesn’t want to run the risk of get­ting the role of the good one.



Greg is happy that Mrs Nor­ton cares for every ap­p­li­cant to get a role in the play.



To be a tree was dou­ble good: he could avoid sin­ging and he could take re­ven­ge on Patty.



Greg would thank his mom after the play for ha­ving him put on it be­cau­se it made a dream come true.



Rod­ney James got the role of the Tin Man and got stuck in the Shrub.



Greg has to go through a two-hour prac­tice every day just to say one word.



The play is in dan­ger be­cau­se the kids don’t learn their lines.



Be­cau­se of an ac­ci­dent in which Rod­ney James cra­cked a tooth the “trees” get arm-holes.



II. Scan­ning and Quo­ting

Here are some state­ments, find the in­for­ma­ti­on in the book by scan­ning pp. 106 -112. Give the lines and quote from the text. The be­gin­ning will do, but make sure you get the right lines. Use your line-coun­ters. 

Ex­amp­le: Greg had a bad fee­ling be­fo­re the mu­si­cal star­ted.

Quo­ta­ti­on: “The first sign….be­fo­re the play even star­ted” (p.106, ll. 13-14.) 8 CR

1. Greg had hoped that Rod­rick did not come be­cau­se he would never wear a tie.  But he was mis­ta­ken.

I was pee­king through the cur­tain…. (p. 106, ll. 16-23)

2. The play could not start in time be­cau­se of a pro­blem with a stu­dent.

The play was sup­po­sed to start at 8:00….. (p.107, ll.4-5.)

3. Greg’s nick­na­me got spre­ad all over the au­di­ence.

I have been able to keep that nick­na­me quiet…. (p.109, ll.1-3)

4. The sin­ging was tor­tu­re for Greg and he wis­hed it would soon end.

I was just pray­ing…. (p. 112, ll. 2 -4)


III. Lan­gua­ge

Re-write the un­der­li­ned parts of the sen­ten­ces in your own words:  12 CR

a) I’m going to sign up to be a Tree, be­cau­se… they get to bean Do­ro­thy with app­les (p. 99, ll.11-13)

to fire app­les at Do­ro­thy/ to bomb her with app­les/ to throw a lot of app­les at her/ to throw app­les hard on her

b) Un­for­t­u­n­a­te­ly, a bunch of other guys had the same idea as me, so I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Far­rell. (p.100, ll-7-9)

… who want to take re­ven­ge on her

c) The Tree cos­tu­mes don’t ac­tual­ly have arm holes, so I guess that rules out any apple-thro­wing.

 that de­s­troys the plan of thro­wing app­les/ that makes thro­wing app­les im­pos­si­ble… (p.100, ll.14-16)

d) Ano­ther thing that’s screwing ever­y­thing up is that Mrs Mor­ton keeps ad­ding new sce­nes and new cha­rac­ters. (p.104, ll.1-3)

Ano­ther thing that is rui­ning ever­y­thing is….

e) You’d fi­gu­re that so­meo­ne whose job it was …. (p. 107, l.7)

 You’d think….

f) But Rod­ney wouldn’t budge, and even­tual­ly his mom had to carry him off. (p.107, ll.9-10)

But Rod­ney did not (want to) move.

IV. Gist rea­ding

Write down the an­s­wers in your own words:

a) There are at least three things that are em­bar­ras­sing for Greg that night of the show. State what they are and say why. ( min 20 ws/ 6CR : 3 L/ 3 C)

1. Rod­rick is there and films the event, so he can al­ways hu­mi­lia­te Greg with the stu­pid per­for­mance.

2. The role of a tree with sin­ging that crazy song. Greg feels silly.

3. Manny calls out his nick­na­me Bubby. He had hi­d­den it for 3 years now it was out to ever­y­bo­dy in the au­di­ence.

b) What was the best thing about being in the play and being a Tree? Re­mem­ber the geo­gra­phy quiz!?  (min 20 ws/ 4 CR= 2 C/ 2 L)

Ta­king re­ven­ge on Patty Far­rell.

c) Why did Greg’s mom dump the bou­quet of flowers into the trash can on their way home (pp. 112 – 113)? (min 30 ws/ 5 CR: 3 C/2L)

She was proud of her son on stage. His scan­da­lous be­ha­viour disap­poin­ted her, so she threw away the flowers that were meant as a re­ward /pre­sent for him.

V. Crea­ti­ve wri­ting/ text com­pre­hen­si­on: 

React on Greg’s be­ha­viour du­ring the play: After all Greg finds the play had been very en­ter­tai­ning – for him. Ima­gi­ne you are one of the kids who had re­al­ly learnt their lines and had re­al­ly wan­ted to make a good show. Write down what you would tell him if you met him just the other day at school.

→ Start like this: If I met Greg, I would cer­tain­ly tell him that…. 

(min 80 ws/10 CR : 5 L/5C)

In­di­vi­du­al an­s­wers using the “new 8th grade gram­mar”: past per­fect, in­di­rect speech, con­di­tio­nals are ex­pec­ted


So­lu­ti­ons­heet: Her­un­ter­la­den [docx][24 KB]


Wei­ter zu Alle Da­tei­en her­un­ter­la­den