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Ques­ti­ons on the texts

Un­der­li­ne those sen­ten­ces which are cor­rect ac­cor­ding to the texts.

a)    Ve­ge­ta­ri­ans usual­ly have a high blood pres­su­re.

b)    Cheese, nuts, len­tils and eggs con­tain a lot of pro­te­in.

c)    Ani­mals in fac­to­ry farms don’t have en­ough room so they so­me­ti­mes at­tack each other.

d)    In these at­tacks, the ani­mals use their beads and teeth.

e)    Most of the meat that you can buy in su­per­mar­kets is from free-range ani­mals.

f)     Free-range ani­mals eat a lot of soy.

g)    Most of the meat from fac­to­ry-far­med ani­mals comes from South Ame­ri­ca.


Ma­te­ri­al 1 – ve­ge­ta­ria­nism – Klas­se 8: Her­un­ter­la­den [docx][874 KB]

Schü­ler­ver­si­on: Her­un­ter­la­den [pdf][877 KB]


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