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Vo­ca­bu­la­ry list – ad­ver­ti­se­ments

3. Fill in the blank boxes, look at the works­heet How ad­ver­ti­se­ments work when you need help.



Ger­man equi­va­lent

tar­get group


to run an ad­ver­ti­se­ment

Be­cau­se the ad­ver­ti­se­ment was so suc­cess­ful, the com­pa­ny ran it for more than a year.

eine An­zei­ge schal­ten

to place an ad­ver­ti­se­ment

The ad was pla­ced in ma­ga­zi­nes for teen­agers, be­cau­se they were the tar­get group.

eine An­zei­ge plat­zie­ren

to de­sign an ad­ver­ti­se­ment / to de­sign a cam­pai­gn


eine An­zei­ge ent­wer­fen / eine An­zei­gen­kam­pa­gne ent­wer­fen

to attract at­ten­ti­on

His at­ten­ti­on was attrac­ted by a photo of David Beck­ham.


Ce­le­bri­ties are often used as at­ten­ti­on grab­bers.

Die Auf­merk­sam­keit von je­man­dem er­re­gen


Its nor­mal for teen­agers to be re­bel­lious.


to iden­ti­fy with


sich iden­ti­fi­zie­ren mit

to look up to so­meo­ne


zu je­man­dem auf­schau­en



at the cent­re of at­ten­ti­on


im Zen­trum der Auf­merk­sam­keit



to break a rule


to per­sua­de so­meo­ne

How do ads per­sua­de peop­le to buy so­me­thing?

je­man­den über­re­den

to evoke fee­lings

Ads often evoke po­si­ti­ve fee­lings.

Ge­füh­le her­vor­ru­fen

I couldnt help it.

I couldnt help laug­hing.

Ich konn­te nicht an­ders.

How on earth

How on earth can peop­le iden­ti­fy with a per­son they only know from the media?

Wie um alles in der Welt


Ma­te­ri­al 4 (ohne Bil­der) – Schü­ler­ver­si­on: Her­un­ter­la­den [docx][70 KB]

Ma­te­ri­al 4 (ohne Bil­der) – Schü­ler­ver­si­on: Her­un­ter­la­den [pdf][161 KB]


Wei­ter zu Auf­ga­ben 4 – 6