Aufgabe 7
7. Write one post for each thread and refer to the posts that are already given.
thread 1
Braveheart (
What do you think of this ad? I know, it’s an ad for cigarettes, but I really like the picture and the idea of jumping into a pool completely dressed.
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(last retrieved 18 July 2017)
samira (
All the pools that I know have strict rules and you’re not allowed to wear clothes in the water. The picture is unrealistic, isn’t it?
Meeee (
thread 2
QuestionMark ( )
Can anyone help? I’ve seen this ad several times now and I just don’t know how it works? How on earth does it persuade people to buy these cigarettes? Do they want me to identify with the person in the red pants?
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(last retrieved 9 June 2016)
Meeee ( )
As far as I understand the ad, it is directed towards _______________________________________________________________
thread 3
megan (
Well-made advertisements are terrible. They grab your attention, make you smile, evoke feelings, either negative or positive, and that way people talk about the product that is advertised – even if it’s not at the centre of attention in the ad. My entry in this blog serves as an example. I just couldn’t help posting this picture. It’s just amazing, I love this photo. And that’s why I think ads like these should be forbidden. What do you think?
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(last retrieved 9 June 2016)
Meeee ( )
thread 4
JoeJr (
I have read all the remarks on the ads for cigarettes and it seems to me that the ads are clearly directed at a young audience, at teenagers. But in Germany, they are not even allowed to smoke. And they are not allowed to buy cigarettes. So why does the company run these ads?
Meeee ( )
--- additional material --- Write an answer to each post (thread one, meeee; thread 2, meeee; thread 3, meeee; thread 4, meeee), then pass on the sheet to a classmate.
thread 1, answer to meeee’s post
thread 2, answer to meeee’s post
thread 3, answer to meeee’s post
thread 4, answer to meeee’s post
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