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Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.


Vorbemerkung : Im Unterschied zu „to hear sth.“ ist „to listen to sth.“ eine zielgerichtete Aktivität, die an einen gewissen Hörzweck gebunden ist. Bei der Aufgabenerstellung ist es wichtig, sich bewusst zu machen, ob man sich auf skimming for the gist, careful/detailed listening for the main ideas and the supporting ideas oder scanning für specific information konzentrieren möchte.


e.g. Identify the overall ideas.

Careful/detailed listening

e.g. Fill in the grid: Who meets when where?


e.g. Scan the text for all the information given on Monsanto.

(Hinweis: Zur Erstellung von Testaufgaben bietet sich die Textmappingmethode an:
http://www.kmk-format.de/material/Fremdsprachen/2-4-3a_Textmapping_fuer_Erstellung_von_Hoeraufgaben.pdf )

Ferner muss man sich Gedanken machen über Schüler, Raumverhältnisse, Zeitrahmen, Verortung der Aufgabenstellung, Anzahl des Hörprozesses, Auswertung, Bewertung, etc.

Im Folgenden einige Anregungen für Aufgaben:

A) Testing Literal Meaning

Body movement

  • Students are given commands, or “Simon says…”
  • Students are told to draw a picture, graph, etc.


  • Students have to indicate if two utterances where the same or different.
  • Students write down an utterance.


  • Students indicate which picture represents the statement.
  • Students have to decide which statements are relevant to the picture given.
  • Students have to match a series of pictures to a series of statements.
  • Students are given a complex picture and have to decide if the statements are true.
  • Students have to decide if the graph given matches the statements.


  • Students have to decide if a response to a statement was correct.
  • Students have to decide which response was the most appropriate.
  • Students have to decide which continuation of a conversation is the best.
  • Students decide which question is the most suitable on a conversation .

Self-evident comprehension

  • True or false of statements, visuals or statistics, etc.

B) Testing Beyond Literal Meaning

Understanding gist

  • Students have to indicate to what kind of (radio) program they are listening to.
  • Students listen to a description of a person or a thing and write down who or what it is.

General passage comprehension


  • Students listen to a monologue/dialogue and answer multiple-choice questions or short-answer comprehension questions.
  • Students listen to a talk or lecture or speech and decide which statements are correct, or answer comprehension questions, or fill in the blanks of a summary with the content appropriate to the talk.

Information transfer task

  • Students follow directions on a map.
  • Students fill in information of an announcement in a grid.
  • Students take a telephone message.
  • Students draw objects etc. in a picture according to instructions.
  • Students work with a series of pictures while listening to a story, talk, etc.


Aufgabenkategorien: Herunterladen [doc] [39 KB]