Lesson plan while
Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.
II WHILE (first step) Clip Rede Obama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iqsxCWjCvI
(S bearbeiten
AB 1 Language & Content
PART I (0:00 – 9:00)
A) (0:00 – 4:00) How do you say in English?
- Nehmt Platz!
- Nur noch ein Jahr durchhalten.
- Du musst mit der amerikanischen Ausbildung Schritt halten.
- Freundchen, das ist keine Kinderschlecken für mich.
- Ich habe schon viele Reden gehalten.
Du musst Deiner Verantwortung nachkommen!
(Liste ist beliebig erweiterbar)
1. Tick the correct statements.
- Obama says he believes most seniors are very nervous.
- Obama’s father comes from Indonesia.
- Obama’s mother gave him private lessons in the early morning when he was young.
- Obama announces to talk about the responsibility of teachers in his speech.
- Obama tells the students that each of them is responsible for his own education.
- Obama believes that not each student has a certain talent.
- School helps students to discover their talents.
- President Obama wants American students to set goals for themselves concerning their education.
- Obama thinks that failures are often the teachers’ faults.
- There is no connection between students and the future of the nation.
2. Take notes: What does Obama tell you about his personal life?
PART II (10:00 – 16:32)
What does Obama want each student to do? Take notes first and then tick the aspects you can identify with yourself.
Arbeitsblatt Speech OBAMA: Address to Students:
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