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Entwurf einer Unterrichtseinheit


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Materialiensammlung zum Bildungsplan 2004: Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bildungsplan fortgeschrieben wurde.

Input/ Task Support Skill Kompetenz Method
1. Self-assessment sheets     self-assessment
2. What do you associate with ‘Britishness’? “vocab pool”   Note taking; think-pair-share
3. On the basis of these notes: write a short, coherent text suitable linkers writing a first draft IW/ PW placemat
4. Feedback sheet   giving feedback PW
5. HW. Write a revised text / second draft   using dictionaries / grammar books IW
6. Read other people’s homework   giving feedback Group pyramid, feedback sheet
7. From stereotypes to autostereotypes - talk about the cartoon “You can tell I’m British” & describe the attitudes / idiosyncrasies in your own words   verbalizing & analysing visual information Team work (groups of 4)
8. Read ‘True Brit’; compare with the clichés you have / had and write a short text about similarities and differences   using a dictionary Team work, IW     
9. Describe cartoon 2
“Dress Sense”
suitable phrases verbalizing visual information IW
10. Discuss the cartoonist’s message, then write a short paragraph about it how to write paragraphs analysing / evaluating visual information team work / individual work
11.  HW: Describe & analyse cartoon 3 and compare it with the text about ‘politeness’; write about 150 words different styles; how to structure texts writing coherent texts individual work
12. The Bumping Experiment:
(K. Fox, Watching the English)
Find key words for each paragraph, analyse the structure of the text, then paraphrase it
How to write a paraphrase / summary paraphrasing, writing coherent texts PA & individual work
13. Queuing Rules: (K. Fox) after reading the text, write an interview with the author
Phrases for a polite & lively interview creative writing work in pairs
14. Modesty: (K. Fox) explain in your own words why misunderstandings can arise between the English & foreigners   paraphrasing individual work
15. New Context, chapter 8, pp 142 / 143:
describe your photo and analyse its implications
  verbalizing and analysing a visual source individual work & group puzzle
16. New Context, pp 142/143 read statement A - G, list useful words for talking about Britishness, list idiosyncrasies not mentioned so far, then write a coherent text, stating your reactions worksheet with suitable beginning writing coherent texts, evaluating PA & individual work
17. Self-assessment sheet (Round 2)     self-assessment
18. New Context, pp. 144/45 Chicken Tikka Massala: prepare the text How to make the best use of your monolingual dictionary    
19. Tasks from the book: divide the text into sections, summarize Cook’s definition of the British as a ‘race’, analyse the change in British lifestyle   paraphrasing, writing short paragraphs PA, individual work

20. On the basis of above tasks,
write an editorial, commenting on Cook’s speech




editorial (N.C., p. 263); incomplete summary + synonyms for ‘say’; how to express your opinion; skeletal text

creative writing


21. Write an essay: Living in a multi-ethnic society - advantages and disadvantages

aspects to be considered

interkulturelle Kompetenz, Vergleich von britischen und deutschen Verhältnissen, persönliche Stellungnahme

group pyramid

22. Statistics - Material z.B. unter:


Redemittel zu ‚talking stats’

visuell kodierte Informationen versprachlichen



Weitere inhaltliche Aspekte zum britischen Selbstverständnis, die sich hier logisch anschließen könnten:

  • Why they came - Britain’s imperial past
  • Britain - a class-conscious society
  • Devolution



Entwurf einer Unterrichtseinheit: Herunterladen [doc] [50 KB]

Entwurf einer Unterrichtseinheit: Herunterladen [pdf] [41 KB]