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Diese Seite ist Teil einer Ma­te­ria­li­en­samm­lung zum Bil­dungs­plan 2004: Grund­la­gen der Kom­pe­tenz­ori­en­tie­rung. Bitte be­ach­ten Sie, dass der Bil­dungs­plan fort­ge­schrie­ben wurde.

Self-as­sess­ment – spo­ken pro­duc­tion (mo­no­lo­gi­sches Spre­chen)




Needs work





I know ex­pres­si­ons to begin a talk




I know ex­pres­si­ons to struc­tu­re a talk




I know ex­pres­si­ons to draw con­clu­si­ons




I know ex­pres­si­ons to end a talk




Pre­sen­ting in­for­ma­ti­on




I know ex­pres­si­ons to pre­sent re­sults




I can use key­words to give a flu­ent speech




I know tech­ni­ques to get my au­di­ence´s in­te­rest (e.g. rhe­to­ri­cal ques­ti­ons)




I can sum­ma­ri­ze a text, a film se­quence




































Self-as­sess­ment – spo­ken in­ter­ac­tion (dia­lo­gi­sches Spre­chen)




Needs work

Ta­king part in a dis­cus­sion




I can in­itia­te a dis­cus­sion




I know ex­pres­si­ons to join a dis­cus­sion that an Eng­lish spea­ker would re­gard as po­li­te




I know ex­pres­si­ons to agree




I know ex­pres­si­ons to di­sagree that an Eng­lish spea­ker would re­gard as po­li­te




Ex­pres­sing opi­ni­on




I know a range of ad­jec­tives to ex­press my re­ac­tions or my likes and dis­li­kes




I know ex­pres­si­ons to ex­press my opi­ni­on po­li­te­ly.








I know tech­ni­ques and ex­pres­si­ons to stall for time (well, so you´re say­ing)




I know how to ask so­meo­ne po­li­te­ly to re­peat his ques­ti­on or ar­gu­ment




Self-as­sess­ment – just Eng­lish…





I think my pro­nun­cia­ti­on of ty­pi­cal­ly Eng­lish sounds (th, v, w, r) is cor­rect




I can link words cor­rect­ly




I can check the pro­nun­cia­ti­on of un­k­nown words in the dic­tio­na­ry be­cau­se I´m fa­mi­li­ar with pho­ne­tic tran­scrip­ti­on (Laut­schrift)




Time and Ten­ses




I know how and when to ex­press that so­me­thing hap­pe­n­ed in the past




I know how and when to ex­press that so­me­thing hap­pe­n­ed in the past but there is still a con­nec­tion to the pre­sent.




I know how to ex­press that so­me­thing will hap­pen in the fu­ture and I know how to dif­fer bet­ween ex­pres­sing my own plans and things that I can´t con­trol




I know how to ex­press what so­meo­ne else said and I know how to ex­press whe­ther the re­por­ted event hap­pe­n­ed be­fo­re the re­port, at the same time or whe­ther so­me­thing in the fu­ture is tal­ked about.




If, if, if




I know how to ex­press that so­me­thing is li­kely to hap­pen




I know how to say that so­me­thing is not re­al­ly li­kely to hap­pen




I know how to say that so­me­thing could have hap­pe­n­ed if only…










Self-as­sess­ment: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc] [63 KB]

Self-as­sess­ment: Her­un­ter­la­den [pdf] [61 KB]