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Cri­te­ria and as­sess­ment of spo­ken pro­duc­tion


Diese Seite ist Teil einer Ma­te­ria­li­en­samm­lung zum Bil­dungs­plan 2004: Grund­la­gen der Kom­pe­tenz­ori­en­tie­rung. Bitte be­ach­ten Sie, dass der Bil­dungs­plan fort­ge­schrie­ben wurde.

Cri­te­ria for as­sess­ment of spo­ken pro­duc­tion and in­ter­ac­tion

The fol­lo­wing cri­te­ria try to de­fi­ne “ideal” spo­ken pro­duc­tion or in­ter­ac­tion.
The credits list does not mean that each area (con­tent/struc­tu­re, lan­gua­ge etc.) car­ri­es equal weight in de­ci­ding the final mark.
In a trai­ning en­vi­ron­ment the stu­dents should be given feed­back in how far their per­for­mance has ful­fil­led the cri­te­ria.
Notes on as­pects the re­spec­tive stu­dent should focus on could be made under the re­spec­tive cri­te­ri­on.








Con­tent and struc­tu­re

The in­for­ma­ti­on given is cor­rect.







All the im­portant as­pects of the topic are co­ve­r­ed.







The in­for­ma­ti­on is pre­sen­ted in a struc­tu­red way.








Pro­nun­cia­ti­on and in­to­na­ti­on are clear and ac­cu­ra­te.







The flow of speech is smooth.







The lan­gua­ge used is gram­ma­ti­cal­ly cor­rect.







The vo­ca­bu­la­ry used is cor­rect.







The vo­ca­bu­la­ry used is va­ried.







The re­gis­ter is ap­pro­pria­te for the given task.








Con­ven­ti­ons of  in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on are re­spec­ted.







The other par­ti­ci­pants´ ideas are re­spec­ted and taken up.







The re­spec­tive cont­ri­bu­ti­ons are hel­pful for the flow of dis­cus­sion.







The re­spec­tive role is fil­led ap­pro­pria­te­ly.








The lis­teners´ in­te­rest is en­ga­ged.







The talk is in­te­res­ting  to fol­low.









Cri­te­ria and as­sess­ment of spo­ken pro­duc­tion: Her­un­ter­la­den [doc] [48 KB]

Cri­te­ria and as­sess­ment of spo­ken pro­duc­tion: Her­un­ter­la­den [pdf] [81 KB]